Natural Hazards Risk and Resiliency Research Center (NHR3)
Mission and Goal
The Natural Hazards Risk and Resiliency Research Center (NHR3) is a multidisciplinary and multi-university research center with the goal of reducing the risk of natural hazards from becoming natural disasters. Research at NHR3 focuses on improving resiliency of communities and reduction of risks to infrastructures against natural hazards.
Participating Universities and Leadership
Currently the following research universities are members of the NHR3, as listed (alphabetically):
- California Institute of Technology
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
- Southern California Earthquake Center
- University of California, Irvine
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, San Diego
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- University of Southern California
*Communications with other universities are underway to join NHR3
The NHR3 headquarters is at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences (GIRS). The representatives of the participating universities from NHR3
Board of Directors, as shown in the Center organization chart below.
The NHR3 Board of Directors unanimously voted to appoint Professor Yousef Bozorgnia as the NHR3 Director, and Professor Jonathan Stewart as the NHR3 Co-Director.
Center Activities
NHR3 addresses multidisciplinary topic areas of natural hazards including:
- Earthquake engineering and science
- Fire engineering, including wildfires
- Tsunami engineering
- Drought: Causes, and socio-economical impacts
- Floods: Causes and impacts
- Wind, tornados, storms, hurricanes
- Volcanic eruptions & their impacts
- Landslides
These challenging multidisciplinary topics will be addressed by the NHR3 researchers with the following diverse areas of expertise:
- Civil engineering: Geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation systems, hydraulics and hydrology, environmental engineering and science, water and wastewater engineering
- Earth sciences: Geology and seismology
- Mechanical engineering: Computational fluid dynamics, heat & mass transfer, dynamical systems
- Electrical engineering & computer science: Communications, transportation systems, big data analytics
- Risk and reliability engineering & science
- Financial and business: financial loss modeling of natural hazards, business disruption
- Public policy and social issues of natural disasters
- Legal issues of natural disasters
- Environmental impacts of natural hazards
Contact Us
Please contact us via email at:
- Openings in NHR3 : We are always seeking highly motivated and talented researchers to join our multidisciplinary group. Contact us if you are interested.
Faculty Members Affiliated with NHR3
*Click on each image for a detailed profile.